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Beer Down Here #BeerChurch Field Trip to 504 Craft Beer Reserve

Updated: Apr 14, 2018

For this week’s #BeerChurch, we decided to have another field trip to 504 Craft Beer Reserve to share some great beers with our great friends over there! Check out what we had below!

So when they label this beer as a “Sour — Berliner Weisse”… it’s like just calling a Lamborghini a “coupe”. This “Berliner Weisse” is aged in oak barrels with Marion Berries, Boysen Berries, and Raspberries….wait a second. It seems that the cool new berry to use is in brewing is this Marion berry… but yall can’t get one past me… isn’t that the old Mayor of D.C. who got popped smoking crack cocaine and soliciting hookers???… OH… that was Marion BARRY… not BERRY… gotcha. Well… shall we move on! This unique beer beer pours a beautiful deep red with amazing aromas of jam and mixed berries, acid, and lingering floral notes. This gem is super dry and extremely tart, but in a good way, that is made even more special with the additions of the berries while in the barrel!

This beer pours brown/black and has pleasant aromas of malt, and roast coffee. This brew is lighter bodied than you would expect, but still gives you the bittersweet chocolate and coffee that you would expect from your breakfast do-nut and coffee!

Deep amber brown in color with nice aromas of dark sweet malt and notes of dried fruit and dates. Taste is medium bodied with flavors of figs and dates along with caramelized malts and faint hop bitterness and oak characteristics.

Sour Stout is one of the most underappreciated and underutilized beer styles… that’s why at Beer Down Here we have to brew or own… but on that note, The Bruery’s “Tart of Darkness” was our inspiration! This delicious beer is so brown its almost black. It has aromas of dark malts and dried fruit, with vanilla and oak. Flavor has nice roast malts/coffee, dark fruit, with a solid acidity that makes this beer so delicious!

This delightful stout pours deep black with a beautiful tan head. Strong aromas of roasted malts, coffee, bittersweet chocolate and pancake syrup. This full bodied beer has wonderful flavors of coffee, chocolate, roast malt with a kiss of maple syrup.

Dark brown in color with aromas of sweet malt, honey, burnt caramel, and raisins with hints of bourbon, booze, and vanilla. This barleywine is medium bodied with flavors of toffee, caramel sauce and honey with notes of chocolate, vanilla, and whiskey.

If one could somehow liquefy a gingerbread house and mix it with Christmas, and make it alcoholic… it would be this beer. I really don’t know what to say besides that it smells and taste like a gingerbread cookie. Crazy!

First off, HOLY SHIT… 15% ABV along with all the other beers we had that night got us feeling GOOD! As expected, pours jet black with thin khaki head and aromas of cocoa, roasted malts, burnt caramel, and vanilla. Taste is medium bodied and sweet with flavors of coffee, dark chocolate, roasted malts and vanilla.

Check with us next time for another episode of #BeerChurch!



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