“Beerland”, the television show on Viceland is coming to Louisiana for its third season! The show, which is hosted by Meg Gil, co-founder of Golden Road Brewing, travels across America talking to craft beer lovers and homebrewers about the local beer scene while trying to find the best homebrewer in each state. Beerland focuses on both craft and homebrewers in each city, putting an emphasis on local ingredients and unique beers. Meg, who was raised in Virginia and received a Bachelors degree in Classics from Yale, started out in the beer business in sales for Oskar Blues before her and co-founder Tony Yanow started Golden Road in 2011. Golden Road was sold to AB-Inbev in September of 2015, making it the fifth craft acquisition by the brewing conglomerate.
Are you a homebrewer or know a bad-ass homebrewer that would love to be on the show? If so, email the answer to the questions below to tinalogiecasting@gmail.com to be considered!
Good luck and happy brewing!
Beerland Questionnaire:
Years brewing:
Why do you brew:
What brews might you have ready in late Feburary:
Any unique ingredients or brew techniques:
Where do you drink your homebrew (Unique locations/events/gatherings etc):
What makes you YOU: (What other hobbies outside of beer, lively activities you do (that you might bring a beer to!)
How has homebrewing impacted your life/family/community: